As a mother of two toddlers I knew I soon had to locate a pediatric dentist or children’s dentist in my area that accepted my insurance. Its not an easy task locating a dentist, much less for your young children, who is reliable, trustworthy, and not scary. During my search I discovered that while there are a couple pediatric dentists in my rural town of Decatur, in Wise County Texas, none accepted my insurance. So I began my search in the nearby city of Denton, Texas.
There I located several pediatric dentists. Since I only want the best for my young children, I decided to research each one with the Better Business Bureau . The first review is the dentistry I ultimately made my appointment with.
Hamilton Jones, DDS, MSD, Inc., located in Denton, Texas, has a BBB rating of A+, and has been accredited since may of 2008. They have no reported complaints. Hamilton Jones DDS has 33 years experience working with children and accepts children of ALL ages. They are licensed and board certified. They emphasize on quality, value, and service, while offering a wide range of specialties for children. They accept most major credit cards, and they are a Texas Health Steps Provider, meaning they accept state Medicaid. The only disappointment is that they are closed Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, yet they do have normal business hours Monday through Thursday. When I called, I was greeted by a very friendly and helpful receptionist. This pediatric dentist seemed like the right choice for me. Just like Invisalign dentist San Francisco, they are reputable and reliable dentists. They have positive testimonials and feedbacks from their clients so you can assure that they do provide quality dental services. Of course, you need to go to trusted dentists to ensure quality service.
Brite Smiles Dentistry , located in Flower Mound, Texas has a BBB rating of A- , based on the length of time the business has been operating which began in January of 2005. They have been accredited with BBB since march of 2007 and have had a couple complaints that were resolved. Brite Smiles claims they have a wide range of services including pediatric and cosmetic dentistry. Dr.Salguti is excellent with Kids. She and her team provide a caring and comfortable environment for children. They also offer state-of-the-art technologies such as digital x-ray and intra-oral cameras. They are open for business Monday – Friday and accept most insurance plans. They do require payment at time of service and accept most major credit cards. They also provide financial arrangements prior to treatment.
Frisco Dentistry For Kids, located in Frisco, Texas, has an A- rating from BBB but is not BBB accredited. They have been in business since February of 2002. Their only specialty is children of ALL ages. Their website has easy-to-follow guidelines and important information that I was very impressed with. Its a good read regardless of where you decide to take your children. They are open all day Monday through Friday and half days on Friday. I like that they allow the parent to accompany their child. Most children’s dentists do not allow this. They provide a treatment plan that is right for your budget and accept most insurance plans and credit cards. Regardless of what you do, I urge you to review their website!
I discovered that there are oodles of pediatric dentists in my local area of Denton, Texas, but its up to every parent to do the research and decide which dentist fits their needs the best.