Losing weight is a battle. To win the fight, you need to use weight loss tools like weapons. This free diet plan will help you keep a fighter’s attitude to motivate you towards success.
Understanding the Mind-Body Connection
First in your arsenal is an understanding of the way your mind affects your body. If you include both your mind and body in your diet plan, you can lose weight and sustain long-term success.
Weight gain is mainly a psychological condition that results in problems for the body. When the mind repeatedly fails to recognize the damaging effects of unhealthy foods, makes excuses to avoid physical exercise, and disrespects the body’s need for proper nutrition, weight gain is the result. Understanding that your thoughts influence your physical being will defend you from the pitfalls of mindless eating.
It is important to practice self-awareness. When you begin to notice yourself slipping into poor eating and exercise habits, it is helpful to remind yourself that your body cannot succeed in weight loss if the mind is not on board. Remember what it is that you wish to do and take time to recognize the reality that decisions you make every day will determine your success.
Knowledge is Power
The second weapon is knowledge of healthy eating habits, including proper nutrition and frequent eating. While eating often may seem against logic, consuming small frequent meals tells your body that more energy is coming soon. The body responds by spending energy instead of storing fat. Frequent meals also prevent hunger pains, which is a common deterrent to weight loss.
When you eat well, you will not need any diet pills or potions. Forget Atkins, Zone or South Beach. These diets cost you more than just money. They take enormous amounts of time and energy to maintain. Instead, stick to a simple eating plan, based on healthy foods.
What to Eat
To educate yourself about healthy foods, spend some time on research. While the USDA pyramid is one place to find good information about healthy foods, you may find the Harvard School of Public Health more credible. The Harvard School of Public Health compiles information solely from a scientific perspective. Political trends and lobbyists can color the USDA’s recommendations.
Take time to read the labels of the foods in your cabinet to understand the nutritional content and correct portion sizes. While not universally agreed on by nutritionists, below is a guide to the basic food groups and the serving recommendations for each. A serving is usually ½ cup.
- Whole grains: six servings
- Vegetables: five servings
- Fruit: three servings
- Dairy: three servings
- Meat/ Fish: two servings
Fueling your body with the proper foods will have many benefits. You will enjoy higher energy levels and decreased food cravings. When you satisfy your body’s nutritional needs, your mind will be less likely to ponder sweet or salty snacks.
Fat is Not the Enemy
While fighting this battle, you should remember that fat is not the enemy. Many dieters avoid fats, resulting in frequent hunger, low energy and dissatisfaction. Instead of avoiding fats, focus on eating healthy fats like those in olive oil, tree nuts, flax seed and salmon.
Stay Hydrated
Many people worry about drinking enough water. Because studies dispute the recommended daily intake, you should simply drink when you are thirsty. Water is favorable because it has no calories and rehydrates your body better than any other liquid. Some believe that it also helps you lose weight, but there is no logical or proven connection with this assumption.
The final weapon in weight loss is exercise. While understanding the mind-body connection and proper nutrition account for 90% of your program, exercise will boost your success and reduce the time it takes you to achieve your goal.
The mind-body connection plays an important role in your exercise program. While the body loves exercise, the mind often becomes bored, making exercise unenjoyable and therefore unsustainable. To create a long-term program, you must find exercises that keep both your mind and body engaged. Try playing a portable video game, or maybe reading, while you ride a stationary bike. You might like to walk a treadmill while watching your favorite television shows. Yoga is another effective way to entertain the mind while strengthening the body. Until you find the exercise that stimulates both your mind and body, keep trying something new.
Fight, Fight, Fight!
Now that you have armed yourself for the battle, you are on your way to more than a just slim waistline. Your healthy lifestyle will defend against hypertension, stroke, heart attacks, diabetes, stress and depression. Thinking of these weight loss tools as weapons will inspire you to charge forth and win the battle.