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Fat Loss Exercises For Your Abs

As you go about your fat loss program, there’s no question that you’re going to want to be performing fat loss exercises that target the abs. Having a sleek midsection is the goal that many people do have and when you approach it correctly, it’s definitely one that you can achieve.

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What you must remember about fat loss exercises for your abs is that the less stable you can make your body, the better. If you’re constantly trying to maintain your balance this is going to make the muscles deep within the core of the body start contracting very rapidly which will then cause you to get the best ab workout ever.

Let’s have a quick look at the best fat loss exercises for your abs so you can see which to start including in your program.

The Plank

One of the most common fat loss exercises that is performed by many people starting out on a program to get abs is the plank. This exercise is an isometric contraction exercise in that you actually will not be moving as you complete it.

Rather, you’re going to force your muscles to maintain a constant state of tension while you hold your body in place. The great thing about this fat loss exercise for your abs is that it will recruit every single muscle fiber in your core, so you can be sure you’re not missing anything when doing it.

The Hanging Leg Raise

The second good movement that you’ll want to add to your program are hanging leg raises. These are especially good for those people who want to work their lower abdominal muscles since it’s primarily these muscles that will get the legs contracting upwards.

When you’re first starting out you may want to do this movement with your legs bent to make it slightly easier but as soon as you can do so, move on to doing it with a straight leg instead which will really up the intensity.

The Bicycle

Third up on our list of great ab exercises to perform is the bicycle. This movement is really nice since it will force the obliques to start working really hard giving you that ‘cut up’ appearance on the side of the abdominal wall.

When performing this one of the fat loss exercises just be sure that you aren’t letting the legs drop to the floor while you do it as that would really take the overall tension off the muscles.

The Prone Ball Roll In

Finally, the last exercise to perform is the prone ball roll in. For this one you want to position the legs up on an exercise ball with the arms placed directly below you. Once you’ve found your balance, simply roll the ball in towards the body until the knees are almost at the chest.

Once they’re there, roll the ball back out again to complete that rep.

So keep these fat loss exercises for the abs in mind. Continually changing up your ab workout will be the ticket to seeing great results.

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