
Entertainment Quotient- Value Added Discussion for Raising the Bar

We all are living in trying times since the past 6 months where things have gone from bad to worse with little scope for recovery although it must be said here that the doctors are doing a commendable job and burning midnight oil to find a cure.

This calls for a change and it needs to be done at the earliest before things get out of hand unless the federal government wants to leave the people to their fate and we all know that it won’t be good.

Nevertheless, let us now lighten the mood around the surroundings and choose a topic that everyone would be interested in so that we forget the grim atmosphere that we are under and make use of the opportunity at hand.


When it comes to lightening the mood, there can be nothing better than entertainment to lift the spirits up in the current times of Covid-19 that makes up some joyous tidings.

Now there are different forms of entertainment for different set of people as everyone has diversified interests, which is why it becomes important to choose the skits carefully.

But the results for all are the same and it is putting a smile on the face of people that are sad and unhappy in dealing with life’s problems and certain skits are where you can do it well.

For example, for a good entertainment skit, you need a relevant crowd in the form of audience to enlighten the occasion and positively respond to the skits that they are seeing with their own eyes.

Now there are different ways to hold people’s attention that fall under the category of entertainment that we shall look into now so that other people to get to understand what needs to be done.

Performance Base

Now we all have many talented people in our family and in the neighborhood as the world is full of them and the only problem is that while some get their due while others don’t.

Such people that are waiting for an opportunity to showcase their skills can do so if they are provided the right platform and the right audience to boost their confidence on stage.

Speaking of entertainment, it can be of different types like a live comedy program, music and dance festival, art competition, debate issues, Christmas performance, and many others.

If your chosen entertainment quotient is performance based, then you can be sure that people of all age groups will like it and that is the grave need of the hour in this modern age of 21st century.

Live Event

Nowadays, it has become easier to gather crowds for doing entertainment skits because we have all the modern day facilities with updated technology at our disposal that make it easy for completing such tasks at hand.

Most of the entertainment skits that take place are through live events for which you need to hire a good event management agency that would take care of all the necessary provisions like the party lighting, furniture, raised platform, dais for people to speak, a large stage, etc.

One thing that has sadly become a norm these days is that most of the entertainment that is dished out is totally obscene and vulgar whether it is stand-up comedy, movies, dance performance and many others.

While it can be enjoyed for some time with friends of the same age group keeping you company, it becomes difficult to watch it with your family and hence, most people are left disappointed.

So if you want the right audience for the live event, make sure that the skits that are planned are family oriented without anything bad involved and something that the grandmas and grandpas can enjoy.

If the jokes are adult oriented, then it can have a bad influence on small children because their young minds are vulnerable to obscenity and they pick up filthy language faster than anything that can make them a good person.

For this, the right entertainer has to be someone that knows everything on how to keep sway over the different age group of people with skits that are funny but at the same time have an educational value that has to be inculcated on the children to keep them on the right path.

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